Hi there , Thanks for showing interest in getting in touch with me. Below you will find some of my FAQs. Please make sure you take a look at them before contacting.
01. What is the blog about ?
- This blog particularly focuses on content related to music : album launches , hot topics , tour dates , etc., Also I feature a random song depending on the day. (For more information check ABOUT section)
02. What is your age ?
- I'm Eighteen
03. Are you a boy or a girl ?
- Well , thats a secret I'd never tell
04. Do you help other bloggers too ?
- Yes , I am more than happy to feature beginners (as well as a professional blogger) , if they actually have a great blog
Guest Blogging
I am open to guest blogging , specially if its similar niche. If your blog is still somehow related to my content , I can move along.
If you are interested in sponsoring any content on my blog , feel free to get in touch , with your details. I would love to hear from you.
Topics I enjoy writing about include :
● Music
● News
● New artists (mostly underrated or the ones who still havn't been recognised)
● Equipments related to music
● Controversial/Hot topics
● Basically anything related to music
If you have any questions , just let me know.
You can contact me at - (Preferably)